About FoSTA-Health

FoSTA-Health takes an interdisciplinary and systems approach evaluating the medium and long-term implications of food system change in southern Africa. The project combines stakeholder engagement and grounded research in case study contexts in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia, with an integrated modelling framework, to explore associated changes in animal, human and environmental health.

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Maize remains the dominant staple crop in southern Africa and is vital for the food security and livelihoods of rural communities throughout the region. However, the vulnerability of maize to droughts, delayed rainy season onsets, and climate variability means that in a context of changing and variable climates, it is subject to frequent crop failure. Maize dominated diets also provide limited micronutrients. Climate resilience, crop diversification, and human health interact in complex ways.

Work Package 2 focuses on local level transitions of maize based agricultural systems in Malawi and Tanzania, to understand how agricultural innovation is shaping rural livelihoods, social equity, climate resilience, soil health and nutrition.

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