Wageningen University & Research combines specialised research institutes and the university. It works across three key areas: Food, feed & biobased production; Natural resources & living environment; Society & well-being.

The scientific quality of Wageningen University & Research is affirmed by the prominent position it occupies in international rankings and citation indexes.

Involved personnel

Katrien Descheemaeker is Professor and Chair of the Plant Production systems Group of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Her research focuses on soil-plant-animal interactions and sustainable development pathways in smallholder farming systems.


Luuk Fleskens is an Associate Professor in Sustainable Land Management at the Chair Group Soil Physics and Land Management of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. His research integrates biophysical assessment of soil health and socio-economic impact assessment of soil management.


Abraham Abishek
is a Project Manager / Communications Advisor at the Chair Group Soil Physics and Land Management of Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
 Antoinet van Kesselkopie
Antoinet van Kessel
is a Project Administator at the Chair Group Soil Physics and Land Management of Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
  Jens Andersson
 Sander Koenraadt WUR

Sander Koenraadt
is Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Entomology where he leads the One Health Entomology group. The aim of his group is to understand the factors that determine the presence and emergence of vector-borne diseases and to unravel the underlying mechanisms from molecular to ecosystem level. With this knowledge, the group ultimately aims to design novel strategies for vector control that are affordable, safe for human use, and sustainable in the context of our changing environment. www.onehealthentomologygroup.nl

 Akbar Ganatra picture

Akbar Ganatra
 is a Postdoc at the Laboratory of Entomology, One Health Entomology group. His research will focus on how landuse changes affect mosquito and tick-borne diseases in southern Africa under the Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FOSTA Health) project.

Rodrigo Favaro WUR

Rodrigo Favaro is an Erasmus Intern at the Soil Physics and Land Managment Group of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. His research focuses on soil health and how innovation agriculture influences the harvest and yields on smallholder farms in Malawi. His work involves gathering data from previous projects implemented in the country and their results.
